Ware Professor, Distinguished University Professor
Research Interests: Image Processing, Neuroimaging, Machine Learning and Assistive Technology.
Email: adjouadi@fiu.edu
Office: EC 2672
Phone: (305) 348-3019
Professor, Secondary Appointment
Research Interests: Network Security, Internet of Things, Cyber-Physical Systems Security, Blockchain
Email: kakkaya@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3915
Phone: (305) 348-3017
Assistant Teaching Professor/Undergraduate Program Director for IoT
Research Interests: Wireless Communication and Networking, Internet of Things, Grid Modernization
Email: moalam@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3105D
Phone: (305)348-3163
Department Associate Chairperson/Associate Professor
Research Interests: Antennas, RF System, Millimeter-wave, Secure 5G Communication Systems
Email: ealwan@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3952
Phone: (305) 348-5424
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Application of Category Theory on Modeling Complex Systems
Email: andrianj@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3912
Phone: (305) 348-2115
Associate Teaching Professor
Research Interests: Electronic Design, Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs), VANET Simulations
Email: arellano@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3834
Phone: (305) 348-4905
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Autonomous Systems, Robotics, and Control, Biomedical Sensors, Signals, and Systems
Email: obai@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3954
Phone: (305) 348-3704
Assistant Teaching Professor
Research Interests: Hardware-assisted security of processor and IoT security
Email: mbanerje@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3105A
Phone: (305) 348-2980
Professor/GPD PhD Program only, Director of the Digital Signal Processing Lab
Research Interests: Digital Signal Processing and Image Processing
Email: barretoa@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3981
Phone: (305) 348-3711
Distinguished University Professor, Lucent Technologies CALA Distinguished Professor
Research Interests: Micro/Nanotechnology with a Special Interest in Biomedical Sensors
Email: sbhansa@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3171
Phone: (305) 348-4439
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Signal and Image Processing
Email: cabreriz@fiu.edu
Office: EC 2223
Phone: (305) 348-7053
Associate Teaching Professor
Research Interests: Computer Organization and Architecture, Real-time Systems and Applications, Embedded Systems
Email: gchaparr@fiu.edu
Office: EC 1272
Phone: (305) 348-1051
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Networking Communication, Radar Signal Processing, MIMO Radar and Radar Networks
Email: hdeng@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3956
Phone: (305) 348-0478
Assistant Teaching Professor
Research Interests: Wireless Communication, Internet of Things, Engineering Education
Email: ydu@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3832
Phone: (305) 348 - 2886
Visiting Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Power Electronics Control, Renewable Energy Integration, Smart Grid, Energy management, Grid-Connected converters, and Electrical Drive Applications.
Email: aebrahim@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3105B
Phone: (305) 348-5444
Adjunct Professor
Research Interests: Real Time Transmission System Contingency Analysis, Transmission Constraints and Bulk Energy Management Systems
Email: farahj@fiu.edu
Office: TBA
Phone: TBA
Associate Teaching Professor
Research Interests: Image Processing, Signal Processing, System Design
Email: galarzal@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3944
Phone: (305) 348-8464
Research Interests: Origami Antennas, Wireless Power Transfer, Wearable Antennas
Email: georgako@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3173
Phone: (305) 348-1262
Distinguished University Professor
Research Interests: CMOS Integrated circuits and SoC sys
Email: mhatamia@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3900
Phone: (305) 348-2807
Department Chairperson /Associate Professor
Research Interests: Quantum Circuits, Optoelectronic Devices, Photovoltaics and Radiation Detectors
Email: dhodges@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3984
Phone: (305) 348-5091
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Wireless Communication and Networking with Emphasis on Millimeter Wave and Vehicular Communications
Email: aibrahim@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3144
Phone: (305) 348-7846
Assistant Teaching Professor
Research Interests: Artificial intelligence, robotics, embedded system, FPGA, DSP, renewable, and biomedical engineering.
Email: mdsislam@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3105C
Phone: (305) 348-4942
Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Photonics, Quantum Optics, Quantum Physics
Email: akrasnok@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3202C
Phone: (737)781-1203
Research Interests: R&D of Cryogenic Communications Systems intended for space-based applications
Email: larkinsg@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3830
Phone: (305) 348-2807
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Multidimensional Signal Processing, Antenna Array Processing and Phased-array Technologies
Email: amadanay@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3983
Phone: (330) 957-8704
Distinguished University Professor
Research Interests: Solving the Smart Grid Operation and its Communication
Email: mohammed@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3951
Phone: (305) 348-3040
Temp Research Analyst|Adjunct Lecturer • ARC Applied Research Center
Research Interests: Digital Signal Processing, MEMS Inertial Sensors, Human-Computer Interactions
Email: nolarnni@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3105E
Phone: (305)348-2926
Research Interests: Integrated Nanotechnology and Biotechnology
Email: npala@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3142
Phone: (305) 348-3016
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Power and Energy Systems, Smart Grid, Cyber-Physical Systems
Email: spaudyal@fiu.edu
Office: EC3914
Phone: (305) 348 - 8017
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Cybersecurity, IoT, Networking and Embedded Systems
Email: apons@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3145
Phone: (305) 348-7253
Assistant Professor/GPD MS Program only
Research Interests: Wearable Health Monitoring In-situ Sensing Organic Electronics Flexible Inorganic Devices
Email: Vladimir Pozdin <vpozdin@fiu.edu>
Office: EC 3982
Phone: (305)348-7788
Research Interests: Real-time computing system design, advanced computer architecture, cloud computing
Email: gaquan@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3911
Phone: (305) 348-2808
Associate Professor, Secondary Appointment
Research Interests: Security and Resiliency Analysis and Design, Cyber-Physical Systems/Internet of Things, Computer Networks
Email: marahman@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3955
Phone: (305) 348-3724
Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Hardware Security and Trust, Emerging Memory Technologies, Reliability
Email: mdtauhidur.rahman@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3942
Phone: (305) 348-5061
Associate Professor, secondary appointment
Research Interests: Packaging of Electronic and Bioelectronic systems, Power, IVR, 5G/6G Components, Sensor Telemetry
Email: mpulugur@fiu.edu
Office: EC 2613
Phone: (305) 348-6249
Research Interests: Engineering Education, Human Potential Development
Email: roigg@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3202A
Phone: (305) 348-3700
Research Interests: Smart Grids, Smart Cities, High-penetration Renewable Systems, Microgrid, Critical Infrastructure, EV and Security
Email: asarwat@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3913
Phone: (305) 348-4941
Assistant Professor
Research Interests: VLSI Circuit Design, Neuromorphic Computing Hardware, Photodetector design, Integrated Smart Sensors for Biomedical Applications
Email: mshawkat@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3202B
Phone: (305) 348-5128
Postdoctoral Associate
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security
Email: jsoni@fiu.edu
Office: EC 2174
Phone: (305)348-4238
Associate Teaching Professor
Research Interests: Computer Architecture, Embedded Systems, Data Communications
Email: hosseini@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3113
Phone: (305) 348-4943
Professor, Secondary Appointment
Research Interests: Cybersecurity, Security of IoT, Security of Cyber-Physical Systems
Email: suluagac@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3141
Phone: (305) 348-3710
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Big Data, Visualization, Cybersecurity , Advanced Cyber Analytics, Memory Forensics
Email: upadhyay@fiu.edu
Office: EC 2142
Phone: (305)348-6603
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Ellipsometry; Beta Gallium Oxide Endocrinology; Cortisol Modeling Biomechanics: Fatigue Modeling
Email: urban@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3953
Phone: (305) 348-3705
Adjunct Faculty
Email: rsoltero@fiu.edu
Office: RB 302B
Phone: (305)348-3620
Assistant Professor
Research Interests: In-band full duplex techniques, Interference Mitigation, wireless communications, remote sensing, and bio-medical sensing and systems
Email: sbojjave@fiu.edu
Office: EC 2947
Phone: (305) 348-5350
Research Interests: RF/Electromagnetics, Medical Sensing, Antennas & Communications
Email: jvolakis@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3740
Phone: (305)348-2243
Assistant Teaching Professor / Undergraduate Program Director
Research Interests: Embedded Systems, ARM, Biomedical Sensors
Email: hwatson@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3910
Phone: (305) 348-3018
Professor, Director of External Programs
Research Interests: Control Systems and Cyber-Physical Systems
Email: yenk@fiu.edu
Office: EC 3174
Phone: (305) 348-3037
Assistant Professor
Research Interests: Theoretical & computational electromagnetics, Antennas, Microwave engineering
Email: kzekios@fiu.edu
Office: EC 2940
Phone: (305) 348-2270