Ph.D. in Computer Engineering, University of Florida, Gainesville, USA, 2017.
M.Sc. in Computer Engineering, University of Connecticut, Storrs, USA, 2015.
B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Bangladesh, 2009.
Research Interests
Hardware Security and Trust, Embedded Security, Side-channel Analysis, Reliability, and Memory Systems.
About the PI
Tauhidur Rahman is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Florida International University (FIU). He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Florida in 2017 (advised by Dr. Mark Tehranipoor). He is the recipient of NSF CRII and the director of the SeRLoP (Security, Reliability, Low-power, and Privacy) Research lab. His current research interests include hardware security and trust, memory system, machine learning applications, embedded security, and reliability. His research is funded by National Science Foundation (NSF), National Security Agency (NSA), and CyberFlorida. Read more about his research, teaching, publications, and other services.
Most Recent News
- [2022, NSA Grant] SeRLoP Research Lab has received an NSA grant to research in unmanned aerial system (UAS) security. This is a collaborative proposal among UF (Dr. Mark Tehranipoor), Auburn (Dr. Mehdi Sadi), and FIU (PI Dr. Mohammad Ashiqur Rahman and CO-PI Dr. Tauhidur Rahman). FIU will lead this $750,000 grant.
- [2022, CyberFlorida Grant] SeRLoP Research Lab has received a CyberFlorida grant to expand hardware-security awareness and training in south Florida. This is a collaborative proposal among the University of Florida, the University of South Florida, and FIU. FIU will lead this $ 1.4 M effort. Dr. Christian Poellabauer (lead PI) and Dr. Selcuk Uluagac are the other two PIs at FIU.
- [2021, NSF Grant] SeRLoP Research Lab has received an NSF SaTC grant. [Link]
- [2019, NSF Grant] Dr. Rahman has been awarded the NSF CRII Grant to develop rowhammer-resistant electronic systems and to detect counterfeit memory chips. Link.
Awards and Honors
- Semifinalist, AFWERX challenge, 2019
- NSF CRII Award, 2019 Link
- UAH New Faculty Research (NFR) Award, 2019 Link
- Cisco Best-paper award, AsianHOST, 2017 Link
- Best in Session Award, TECHCON, Semiconductor Research Corporation (SRC), 2016 Link
- Richard Newton Young Student Fellow, Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2014
- Outstanding Academic Achievement, University of Florida, Fall’16
- Undergraduate Merit Dean List, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, 2005-2009