Best wishes to Eliecer "Eli" Viamontes, our outgoing IAB chair, the President and CEO of Entergy Texas. Thank you for your dedication over the past 6 years! Our board members and their companies generously contribute their time, expertise and resources serving as a member of the IAB for the ECE department. They have knowledge and experience in Engineering, Business, Manufacturing, Entrepreneurship, Quality Systems, Technical Design and Regulatory Compliance. Our members contribute to the success of the ECE programs, while providing guiding to the ECE department in pursuit of the highest quality education and practical experience for our students.

Academic Assessment Advisory Board
Board Title | Member Name (role in the board, where applicable) | Company | |
Academic Assessment Advisory Board | James Poe | Miami Dade College | |
Academic Assessment Advisory Board | Virgil Campaneria AIA | Gurrimatute Architecture Firm | |
Academic Assessment Advisory Board | Cesar De La Vega | Amadeus Travel Technology Company | |
Academic Assessment Advisory Board | SERGIO ALBUERNE | Kimre Inc. Clean Air Technologies | SALBUERNE@KIMRE.COM |
Academic Assessment Advisory Board | Peter Bouza | Vision Analytical | |
Academic Assessment Advisory Board | Christian Gutierrez | Stealth Simulation | |
Academic Assessment Advisory Board | Ashley Stowe | Dept. of Energy | |
Academic Assessment Advisory Board | Jose Longoria | Longoria Design | |
Academic Assessment Advisory Board | Andrew Medina | Forthright Managed IT Services | |
Academic Assessment Advisory Board | Joshua Jameson | Devise Designs Product Engineering | |