Title: ECE 5G and Cyber Research News
Date: July 29, 2022

NSF Convergence Accelerator Track G: Autonomously Tunable Waveform-Agnostic Radio Adapter for Seamless and Secure Operation of DoD Devices Through Non-Cooperative 5G Networks.This $750k grant is in collaboration with Florida Atlantic University, Virginia Tech, and PQsecure. FIU is the lead institution. Dr. Elias Alwan

Dr. Akkaya, Dr. Giri, and Dr. Uluagac received $250K for one year from Cyber Florida Pathways program to develop cybersecurity modules using a gaming platform for high school students in South Florida. Dr. Akkaya will work with Giri and Selcuk starting from Fall on this exciting project.

Dr. Poellabauer, Dr. MD Rahman, and Dr. Uluagac received a $1.4 M Cyber Florida Grant on their new Cyber Florida Grant Project HaHa.
This grant totals $1,413, 129 and will run through the end of summer 2023.