Title: Skkynet Technology Featured in IEEE Paper and Presentation
Date: July 19, 2016
The feasibility and value of cloud-based data communications for power generation smart grid testbeds presented at IEEE General Meeting.
Mississauga, Ontario, July 19, 2016 – Skkynet Cloud Systems, Inc. (“Skkynet”) (OTCQB: SKKY), a global leader in real-time cloud information systems, announces that its SkkyHub™ technology supported research leading to a published paper presented at the IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting in Boston yesterday. The paper, “Cloud Communication for Remote Access Smart Grid Testbeds” by Mehmet H. Cintuglu and Osama A. Mohammed of Florida International University, concludes that “cloud communication can be successfully implemented for actual smart grid power systems test beds.”
“We are pleased that the IEEE has accepted this paper for publication,” said Paul Thomas, President of Skkynet. “This is a significant milestone in demonstrating the value of cloud-based, real-time data connectivity for industrial and infrastructure applications.”
The object of the research was to determine the effectiveness of cloud-based communication for integrating data coming from diverse, heterogeneous electrical system testbeds. These testbeds allow students and researchers to quickly test and verify innovations and proof-of-concept systems. While networked testbeds are useful for testing large deployments of smart devices, traditional WAN approaches are costly. “In cloud based systems operational costs are significantly reduced compared to dedicated high bandwidth wide area links which was previously a pre-requisite for creating successful networking test beds,” the paper states.
The cloud communications technology used for the research was Skkynet’s SkkyHub service, which the paper describes as “a SaaS platform providing secure end-to-end networking for smart grid devices such as IEDs and PMUs,” which can be “implemented on virtually any new or existing system at a low cost capital and provides a web-based human-machine-interface (HMI) for remote access and supervisory control.”
The SkkyHub service allows industrial and embedded systems to securely network live data in real time from any location. It enables bidirectional supervisory control, integration and sharing of data with multiple users, and real-time access to selected data sets in a web browser. The service is capable of handling over 50,000 data changes per second per client, at speeds of just microseconds over Internet latency. Secure by design, it requires no VPN, no open firewall ports, no special programming, and no additional hardware.
About Skkynet
Skkynet Cloud Systems, Inc. (OTCQB: SKKY) is a global leader in real-time cloud information systems. The Skkynet Connected Systems platform includes the award-winning SkkyHub™ service, DataHub®, WebView™, and Embedded Toolkit (ETK) software. The platform enables real-time data connectivity for industrial, embedded, and financial systems, with no programming required. Skkynet’s platform is uniquely positioned for the “Internet of Things” and “Industry 4.0” because unlike the traditional approach for networked systems, SkkyHub is secure-by-design. Customers include Microsoft, Caterpillar, Siemens, Metso, ABB, Honeywell, IBM, GE, BP, Goodyear, BASF, E·ON, Bombardier and the Bank of Canada. For more information, see http://skkynet.com.