Title: Origami Conference held at FIU
Date: February 15, 2016
For the third year in a row, Professor Stavros Georgakopoulos and the Florida International University Division of Research, hosted the annual workshop on Origami Design for Integration of Self-Assembling Systems for Engineering Innovation (ODISSEI).
Origami experts from academia, industry and government all gathered for this two day workshop to learn about emerging technologies and share research updates. Dr. Robert Kraus, Chief, Basic Research Division, Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL)/Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), was this year’s keynote speaker. Some chnology and Penn State were also in attendance, just to name a few.
Undergraduate and Graduate students from FIU and other participating schools were able to present their research findings during a poster session to all the conference attendees. This year students were also presented with a unique opportunity to sit down with members from the National Science Foundation to talk about their research and opportunities at the NSF.