Title: NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) SITE Program
Date: January 26, 2015
“Security of Smart Things: From Small Devices to Large Infrastructures”
The Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) at Florida International University (FIU) invites undergraduate students to apply its REU Site 2015 Summer program. The program will run from June 1, 2015 to August 1, 2015 at FIU Campus in Miami, FL.
This is a great opportunity for undergraduate students (sophomores, juniors, non-graduating seniors) to engage in hands-on research activity under the supervision of a faculty mentor and postdoctoral fellow in the ECE Department throughout the summer. A list of available projects are here.
Our program includes weekly seminars/workshops, preparation of a research poster, individual academic career counseling, hands-on training with real equipment, field trips, and social and cultural activities in the Miami area.
Each participating undergraduate student will receive an award of $2000 per month in addition to FIU on-campus housing, meals, materials costs and a travel allowance of $750.
Eligibility Requirements
- Undergraduate students majoring in a science or engineering discipline
- Students must be U.S. Citizen or permanent resident
- Students should have a minimum of 3.25 GPA.
Application Deadline: March 15th, 2015.
Please send the following in a single zip or pdf file to Dr. K. Akkaya:
- A one page statement of interest that describes why the applicant is interested in the REU program, why he/she can be an exceptional candidate, the career goals and research interests;
- A two-page resume
- Names and contact information of three references
- List of related courses taken and grades received (transcript);
Selections will be based on a combination of research interests, academic qualifications, and faculty recommendations.
Although it is not mandatory, interested students are strongly encouraged to contact the faculty mentor listed on the link to get more information about the possible research project topics.
For questions and further info please contact the FIU SST-REU site coordinators:
Dr. Kemal Akkaya: kakkaya@fiu.edu
Dr. A. Selcuk Uluagac: suluguac@fiu.edu