Title: Prof. Ismail Guvenc receives 2014 Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award
Date: August 1, 2014
Prof. Ismail Guvenc recently received the 2014 Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award from Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU). For the 2014-15 academic year, the Powe Award Committee awarded 35 grants, which were competitively selected from among 134 faculty applications. The peer review evaluation and selection process is rigorous and involves outstanding scientists from across the nation. Prof. Ismail Guvenc, Director of the MPACT Research Lab, has received this award with his research proposal titled “Toward Next Generation Public Safety Communications”.
The award provides a one-year, $5,000 grant to fund research by junior faculty at ORAU member institutions to enrich the research and professional growth of young faculty and enable new funding opportunities. You may find the complete list of winners for the 2014 Powe Awards program here.
About ORAU: ORAU is a consortium of major Ph.D.–granting academic institutions and is headquartered in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. It has over 100 member institutions, including FIU, with a mission to advance scientific research and education.