Title: Dr. Ahmed Mohamed accepted an Assistant-Professor Position at the City University of New York
Date: June 11, 2013
Dr. Ahmed Mohamed, a recent spring semester 2013 doctoral graduate from our ECE PhD program has accepted a tenure-track assistant professor position at the Grove School of Engineering, City College of the City University of New York (CUNY) beginning Fall 2013. In this position, Dr. Mohamed will lead the research and teaching aspects related to power/energy systems, smart grids and renewable energy systems at the ECE department at CUNY.
Dr. Mohamed joined the Energy Systems Research Laboratory, ECE Department, FIU in August 2009 as a graduate research assistant. In May 2012, he was granted the Doctoral Evidence Acquisition Fellowship (DEA) for one semester. His research advisor was Professor Osama Mohammed. Following the granting of his degree, he was hired as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the Energy Systems Research Laboratory.
Dr. Ahmed Mohamed’s research interests include smart grids, renewable energy systems, power electronics and shipboard power systems. As a result of his PhD research, he was able to author and co-author over 40 papers in internationally-recognized journals and major international conference proceedings in the electrical power field.