Title: Dr. Kaleem on TV
Date: April 13, 2012
On NBC channel 6:
Cell phone Spying: Your cell phone can be easily tapped and can be use as a bugging device if a bad guy can get a hold on to it.
View more videos at: http://nbcmiami.com.
On NBC channel 6:
RF-ID Security: Radio Frequency (RF) ID contained in Credit Cards and passports can be read, decrypted and the information can be used for malicious purposes.
View more videos at: http://nbcmiami.com.
On channel 12: “Spying on You,” a conversation with Faisal Kaleem on cell phone tapping.
The TV Marti presentation was about Signal Jamming Techniques as how a cell phone signal can be jammed.
The way jamming device work is by overpowering the cell phone by transmitting on the same frequency but with a high enough power signal such that the two signals cancels out each other. It is like a DoS attack on the Cell phone and deprive the users to make and receive any phone calls.
Software used in these demonstration was gifted by MobiStealth