FIU College of Engineering and Computing

Florida International University - Electrical and Computer Engineering
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ECE Senior Design Day is held every Fall and Spring semester at Engineering Center, showcasing this semesters’ many student projects.

All are invited to attend this end-of-semester event in which almost 60 electrical and computer engineering students showcase their efforts from the Senior Design Project course.

The course itself represents the culmination of the students’ engineering education as it calls on them to employ their engineering skills in designing solutions to real-world problems.

A few examples of the types of projects students worked from previous semester can be found at

This semester’s Design Day will be held on: November 30, 2012

On behalf of the students and the ECE Department, I cordially invite you to stop by during the day to view the results of their design efforts. The exhibition will be in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department 3rd floor, Engineering Center and will be open from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

Look forward to seeing you there.


ECE department